Happy 22nd Birthday, TemplateMonster Digital Marketplace!

This year, TemplateMonster celebrates its 22nd birthday. I couldn’t have missed the opportunity to congratulate the website templates marketplace on this occasion. 22 is an impressive age for a company working in the digital world. However, the TemplateMonster digital marketplace has proven that every business can stay competitive, grow, and develop no matter how many years it has been in the market. I wish TemplateMonster to continue growing, reaching new heights, expanding to new markets, and attracting many creative authors and clients!

TemplateMonster Digital Marketplace History

TemplateMonster began in 2002 as a small web design studio that created custom websites. As the number of customer orders grew, the company embarked on a transformative path, developing a new approach to conducting its business. They started working with ready-made website designs, known as website templates.

In 2003, the first HTML templates became available for download to TemplateMonster1 customers. Over time, other types of products were added to the assortment. In 2017, the decision was made to transform TemplateMonster into a digital marketplace. Today, TemplateMonster is one of the largest digital marketplaces, with around 90,000 website templates, graphics, plugins, and more. This transformation journey is a testament to the company’s adaptability and innovation, inspiring all of us in the digital world.

How to Make Passive Income with TemplateMonster

TemplateMonster’s digital marketplace lets you buy and sell WordPress themes and a wide range of creative works compatible with diverse CMSs and e-commerce platforms. If you are wondering, “How do you make passive income online?” becoming an author on the marketplace is the right answer.

I joined the TemplateMonster Author Store 2019. During this time, I’ve created 32 products and made 596 sales. My works are dedicated to minimalist graphic and web design. I enjoy simplicity, functionality, and minimalist web design. I’ve created a variety of WordPress themes that look cool and modern, based on tools such as Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro, Bootstrap, and Elementor Page Builder, making my creations light and easy to (re)customize.

Wrapping up

In a word, TemplateMonster is the best place to buy WordPress themes and find outstanding digital assets for all your personal and business needs. If you are passionate about high-quality website design and creation, checking out TemplateMonster’s inventory should help you find remarkable designs and functionality for your web projects.

For all the time I’ve been part of the TemplateMonster author community, I’ve felt your support, my loyal followers. I want to express my sincere gratitude for your support and trust. To commemorate TemplateMonster’s 22nd birthday, I’d like to present you with a special gift – use the promo code PROMORAMS to save 7% on all ramsthemes website templates available in the TemplateMonster inventory.

Please remember that this is a time-sensitive offer expiring on July 31, 2024.